Introduction: Epic Stryfe Modifications

Yea. Of course for me, everyone has to beat me in Nerf wars, so I decided to give my Stryfe a bit "upgrade". BIG TIME. So spell I was at it, I decided I mightiness likewise make an Instructable about IT so I can help others too.

Step 1: Materials Needed

Most of the materials you can get at home but a hardly a you gan get from Home Depot, Lowes, etc. if you wish to go the extra length.

1. Flat Black paint ( HAS TO BE BLACK! )

2. sandpaper

3. soldering iron w/ solder

4. safety goggles

5. extra wire you have lying around

6. some experience with a soldering iron

Step 2: Deassembly

Now is the time to take all the screws off of the FRONT cover of the Stryfe, or until it splits down the middle. You can take the batteries out if you want; I didn't so I didn't have to keep putting them backwards in while you'Re testing the motors.

Maltreat 3: Modifying

Towards the back of the gun, near the fix where the clip goes in, there should be a young tiny protective plate on top of some wiring. When you take it off, turn the safety trigger around BACKWARDS thusly that the safety lock stays pressed down. There is some other one up near the jam door. Again, come the same thing to this one. Both locks should detain pressed down so that the initiation can still rev up.

Step 4: Modifying the Motors

Near the motors, unscrew the motor block and pull it out. At this point, get-go heating plant up the Soldering iron and put on your goggles. along the ends of the motors, in that location should constitute two resistors on to each one motor. Simply desolder two of them, (ONE FROM All Efferent!!!) and resolder some old telegraph to connect the points, then solder the power wire back on. If you want, you can 3D Print new flywheels to insert there. Know the motors backrest in grade.

Step 5: Refabrication

Put all of the screws back in and close the Stryfe! That's each there is to IT.

Step 6: Sanding / Painting

Now you will be making your Stryfe look awesome! Spray Paint IT with a coat of black dull blusher (no-glossiness)

Hint: if you have a "Blue" Stryfe, then IT will be black and dismal. Vice Versa for orange and black.

Take your sandpaper and sand down major indentions (like the nerf logo) until the orange plastic shows through. You will be affected at how well this method works! After you tumble how you like it, simply chisel in few batteries and try out it out!

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